Overweight and Unhappy to Bikini Model and Stoked!
Earlier in the year, Brad & I had the pleasure of attending one of the Gold Coast ‘Miss Fit Bikini Model Extravaganza’ (MFBME) heats. I must say - I’m not normally a fan of the whole beauty pageant / bikini model scene (I just think fake boobs, orange tans, body oil & lame 'I want to create world peace' type statements) but this one is totally different in that the focus is on fitness & health, i.e. celebrating & showcasing how eating & moving well translates naturally into healthy & gorgeously fit bodies. Our pick of the bunch (it was really hard to pick) was Brook-Lin, because we were so amazed at her 35kg weightloss! Here’s the story - her journey from being overweight & unhappy & not taking good care of herself to a fit, healthy & happy, stunning bikini model, who treats her body like it's the only one she'll ever have!
We're not all cut out to be bikini models, but if it's on your bucket list, this is the best comp to enter - get in touch HERE. I just wanted to share this story because I was really curious about the transformation - so inspiring! Brooke-Lin's journey really illustrates...
a) the power of just making a start, following that survival / self preservation instinct that something has to change & acting.
b) sometimes you gotta commit / make it hard for yourself to back out or quit

1.Do you know how you ended up overweight?
About 7 years ago I was going though a really rough patch, I lost the most important people in my life & it all went downhill from there with depression, anxiety & started to binge eat.2.At what point did you realise you wanted to make a change?
A night 2 years ago was my major turning point in my life - I didn’t want to wake up another morning. I was scrolling though Facebook & saw an 8 week challenge advertised. I messaged her at 11pm saying I would be at her 5am class in the morning. I wanted to hold myself accountable, I took cash & paid her upfront for a whole challenge. That’s where it all began.3.Did you feel inspired by anyone in particular? Who has influenced & guided you along the way? Did you have to do a lot of research / educate yourself?
When I first started properly training 2 years ago I didn’t know or have anyone that influenced me. Not long into my weights training I decided to further my knowledge in the gym & studied to be a personal trainer. I am always learning & trying new things in the gym & it has been amazing seeing my clients feel amazing in their own skin too.4.Do you have any new rules / ideals / standards / preferences for the food that you eat now?
I control my portion sizes, I fuel my body with healthy fresh food, I eat a balance of protein, carbs & fats. I always stay hydrated especially when training.5.Do you just eat whatever sometimes too?
Of course - having a balance is very important to keep your mind and body happy.6.What does a regular food / drink / supplement / workout day look like for you these days?
I eat 5 times a day 😊 Soon as I wake up I will have mySuper Greens + Aloewith water. I will either have eggs and spinach with my greens on top or oats for breakfast. Snacks are either protein shake, rice cakes, goodMix Blend11 or dark chocolate. Lunch can be Greek yogurt with protein, a chicken & veggie wrap. dinner can be gluten free pasta with veg chicken/turkey , stir fry, healthy pizza. I train 6 days a week 6 weights & 1 cardio session (clubbersise). 3 lower body & 3 upper body. 7.What was it like in the past? I used to either be at work or sleep, I used to binge eat, I would drink 2L of coke a day, Maccas was a regular thing or I wouldn’t eat at all. 8.For you - what feels more important, eating really well or moving & challenging that body…or are they equal? Eating well is important for me physically but training helps challenge my body & mind, so to me both would be equal. 😊 9.The beauty pageant stuff - were you always a ‘girly girl’, or did you learn a few things from entering the competition? I haven’t been much of a girly girl, but it was amazing to feel like a princess for a day & be able to show my girly side. I achieved things I didn’t think I ever would. I learnt how to pose , how to speak in front of a crowd & most of all feel completely accepted in my own skin. 10.Was it super competitive, or did the girls support each other? It was beautiful - the girls, judges, the whole team were so supportive and lovely. I still keep in contact with a lot of them and love seeing them progress on their own journeys. 11.Who would you recommend enter the comp / what do the girls get out of it? I would definitely recommend FBME, it's a comp for all women who live healthy lives and it celebrates the fact that fit looks different on everyone. It's a comp where you can feel beautiful in your own skin and express your personality. It also connects you with a team of like minded people that will help you & support you ❤️ 12.You’ve obviously changed a lot physically - do you feel like you’ve changed mentally as well? 100% fitness & health changed my life! I was depressed for so long and it feels amazing to finally be able to feel like myself, to finally be able to find this side of me that’s been trapped since I can remember. 12.5..and if so, what came first - the physical, or the mental - or did they both evolve together? The mental side first, the physical took awhile, I wanted to be happy more then anything. 13.What would you like to say to anyone out there struggling with their weight & feeling trapped in a body that they don’t feel great about? You are not alone, everyone is on their own journey. Sometimes to grow we need to push outside our comfort zones to make great things happen. 14.Can we see a before pic?
c) adversity can be our friend / teacher & help us become stronger, grow as a person, end up where we need to be...if you experience a decent ‘low’ you can then really appreciate the highs in life.
d) the weird journeys we go on towards finding & living our passion & purpose - so great to be able to help empower others, from a place of experience & understanding.
e) the power of getting mind & body working together in sync, sometimes one has to ‘drag’ the other along until it catches up!
f) the importance of recognising self-destructive behaviour & having the guts to really change / reverse it
g) that someone can be outwardly really smily & happy but you just never know what’s going on inside, we’ve got to always be mindful of that.
h) nice to see a bikini comp that really values health / nutrition / training / nurturing the body rather than 'just do whatever it takes to get skinny for the swimsuit’. Beautiful, hard-working, inspiring, healthy girls challenging themselves & supporting each other to get out of their comfort zones (& into tiny bikinis & heels in front of a crowd)! That's some serious motivation when you feel like slacking off!!)
You can follow / get in contact with Brook-Lin here:
Need some motivation - Celebrate Women