Cinnamon Mocha Smoothie
Creamy mocha-vanilla-cinnamon yumminess, nutritious pre & probiotic healthiness plus some coffee perkiness!
Activated Blend11 - 1/2 cup
Almond milk (or your fave milk) 1 cup
Banana - 1 large, just ripe (too ripe & your smoothie will taste too 'banana-ry')
Cold brew coffee 1/3 cup (or more or less, add to your own taste & caffeine requirement!)
Natural coconut yoghurt 1/2 cup
Chocolate mousse coconut yoghurt - 1/2 cup
Kefir (a few tbsp)
Vanilla essence - 3 tsp
Cinnamon - approx 2 tsp (plus a little extra to sprinkle on top if you wanna get fancy)
Brazil nuts (or walnuts) handful
Ice - 1.5 cups