Making delicious, healthy crackers with BurgerMix
In a bowl, combine Burger Mix with water and oil as directed on pack, mix until evenly combined. Leave for a few hours (minimum) or overnight in the fridge to thicken into a dough.
When ready to make your crackers, grab a large handful or 2 of dough, then roll / flatten evenly between 2 sheets of baking paper to a thickness of 1-2mm. (1 x 400g pack should cover approx 2 standard baking trays).
Remove top sheet of paper once flat and even, cut flattened dough into desired shapes. (Easier to roll dough between paper sheets on your bench, & then pick up paper to transfer onto baking tray prior to cutting).
Bake at 170 degrees for 20mins (fan); then turn heat right down (approx 40-50 degrees) but leave in oven until crackers are fully dry and crisp.
Once evenly cooked and cooled, snap apart and store your crackers in an airtight container or jar for 2-3 weeks (or in the freezer for months).