COVID UPDATE - Blood vessel health!
So it seems Covid-19 is much more severe in people with sub-optimal blood vessel health / higher levels of cardiovascular inflammation (heart disease, diabetes, obesity, old age). It enters our cells through the lungs, so the research & treatment focus has so far been centered there, but the virus actually does a lot of damage in the endothelial layer (the inside part) of your blood vessels.
So - here’s some easy tips & a shopping list to help improve your blood vessel health. Bonus is - these tips will improve almost every single aspect of your health because your blood vessels are the ‘rivers of life’ that deliver nutrients & oxygen to every single part of your body)!
It’s all about keeping good fats, fibre & antioxidants really high, while minimising sugars, alcohol, refined carbs & poor quality fats. Adding in specific antioxidant rich food & supps can also help.
We want to improve cardiovascular fitness, & increase lean muscle mass to improve blood sugar regulation.
- walking, jogging, running
- swimming
- cycling
- dance
- gym
- bodyweight exercises
- yoga / pilates
Anything really that will get the heart pumping & challenge your muscles is going to help. Some combination of cardio & weights is ideal. Start slow, increase what you do over time & change it up if you get bored. Just don’t stop moving! Sedentary lifestyle = death to blood vessels!
- quit smoking (number 1 blood vessel destroyer!)
- stress reduction
- get sunshine (vitamin D)
- prioritise good sleep
- laughter & connection
- gut care (your gut microbial balance & your gut lining play a huge role in absorption of nutrients, systemic inflammation & metabolism). Healthy gut = foundational for healthy blood vessels & immune response. Diverse, fermentable fibre, polyphenol rich foods & foods with with pre & probiotics, minimise sugar & alcohol, gluten & dairy if sensitive, don’t overdo protein & saturated fats.
- Oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna)
- Olive oil
- Macadamia nut oil
- Legumes
- Chilli
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Turmeric
- Cacao
- Tea (black, white, green)
- Coffee (not in excess, 1-2 cups daily, no sugar)
- Red wine (controlled dose is key - 0.5 - 1 glass daily for females, 1-2 for males). Pinot Noir apparently has the highest levels of antioxidants.
- Nuts & seeds (esp chia, flax, walnut, almond, macadamia, Brazil).
- Wholegrains - oats, rye, barle, brown rice (or go for higher protein ancient grains & gluten free if sensitive, ie Quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat).
- Berries (fresh or frozen, all kinds, organic if you can)
- Loads of brightly coloured fruit & veg, esp the following:
- Green leafies
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Capsicum
- Celery
- Beetroot (fresh)
- Onion (red, brown)
- Garlic
- Leek
- Shallots
- Lemon
- Lime
- Mandarin
- Apple
- Pear
- Pomegranate
- Prunes
Let me know what you've found helpful for blood vessel health!? Comment below or email
Stay well, Jeanie: jeanie@goodmix.com.au