Examine your diet before getting your doctor to examine you!
If you suffer from any of the conditions below, you could really benefit from some regular pre & probiotics in your diet. Examine your diet before getting your doctor to examine you!
So easy to do, & such huge benefits! Some activated Blend11 & yoghurt at breakfast, some kimchi or sauerkraut with lunch & dinner…& plenty of fruit & veggies, nuts, seeds, ancient whole grains, beans & legumes as the base of your diet = plenty of bacterial support for a healthy gut, which can also really help with….
- metabolism, weightloss & improved body composition.
- insulin resistance, diabetes, high cholesterol & cardiovascular disease
- inflammatory symptoms i.e. arthritis
- atopic conditions i.e. asthma, allergies, eczema & hay fever.
- depression, anxiety & brain fog.
- fatigue
- fatty liver
- gallbladder disease
- auto-immune disease
- urinary tract infections
- vaginal candidiasis (thrush)
- some vitamin deficiencies
- gingivitis / gum disease
- acne
- PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) & other hormonal imbalances