Preaching Gut Health to Beer Guts
Woohoo! We're famous. Team goodMix is stoked to have gotten a mention in this awesome book: 'The Great Aussie Bloke Slim Down'.
Can every fat & clueless Australian male PLEASE read this short book over the holiday break. It's simple, to the point & tells you what you need to do to go from 'Fatty Boomka' to fit again. Do it for your kids if not for yourself.
Ladies, just leave a copy lying around & tell him a visitor left it behind, & that it's funny ;-)
"So what should you be eating instead? My wife, meantime, swears by something called ‘The Good Mix, Blend 11’, which comes, I gather, from an equally valiant small Australian business, making 100 per cent natural food".Quote from the book...
Converting the Holiday Crowd - It can get dangerous...
"What do I look like a hippie?" "That’s a bloody girl’s breakfast - looks like birdseed”. "Too healthy for me!" "Mate I don’t eat that crap - look at me!” "Can you soak it in beer?" "What - $43 a bag! I can buy 10 boxes of cereal for that price!" "Ya gotta be kidding me, best poos ever - I’ve seen everything now. OMG. Just keep walking then, keep drinking your freakin slushie & eating your fries, we’ll see you next holidays wearing a size bigger. Or maybe we’ll just see your wife & kids - hate to say it but they might be better off without such a poor role model. It is astounding that in Australia, in 2016 - there are still many intelligent (?), educated, mature Aussie blokes who wear their beer gut like a badge of honour, slapping it protectively when anything ‘healthy looking’ gets too close to it. Brad & I (& I’m sure the entire goodMix market team will agree) see sooo many inflamed, overweight, lethargic, unhealthy, unreceptive, poor-excuses-for-men that BADLY need some Blend11 for breakfast - or just anything besides the iced coffee, energy drinks, cereal & jam on toast they’re used to. They need it more than anyone, yet they have this weird wall of resistance…which cannot be broken through gently. After a few years in the market game & many failed attempts, Brad has learnt to crack them. To my amazement, he can actually sell a bag of seeds to the classic beer-gutted Aussie bloke. Here’s a few points often used in his ‘sledge-hammer’ sales approach for these infuriating ‘too healthy for me’ belly-slapping kinda guys. He gets the message across in beer gut bloke language, but this is the basic content). Ladies - your man may need the sledgehammer approach too.Wake up to yourself, your big beer gut is not a normal part of the male ageing process - it’s actually a giant red flag which communicates the following sad facts:
- You will likely die 20-30 years before you should.
- You can’t participate in many fun activities anymore because of your weight
- You probably won’t live to see your grandkids (definitely won’t be up to playing with them)
- Your sex life is sub-optimal (even if you’ve got a partner who’s ok with obesity, you won’t function as well as you once did due to the sorry state of your circulatory system)!
- Your employment opportunities are less
- People take you less seriously & you are less respected (plus you couldn’t catch them if they made fun of you anyway).
- Your partner (who actually looks after herself), is probably checking out the lawn mower / pool cleaner / anyone who’s less ‘cuddly’ than you.