The Best Natural Hangover Tips
Team goodMix had a great time at the Good Food & Wine Show In Brisbane last weekend (probably not as good as the rest of the crowd, but it was fun to get amongst the party vibe!) If you're looking at how to treat a hangover naturally now you've enjoyed all that wine - read on! We thought these hangover tips might come in handy - especially now that the Spring / Summer party season is coming up & everyone is stocked up on wine post event!
We have 7 things to help you prevent OR recover from a hangover naturally, plus 13 supplements to see you through the party season!
Obviously, from a naturopathic perspective - avoiding excessive alcohol is optimal. There is some evidence that small amounts of alcohol are ok / can be beneficial (the picks are red wine, white wine, & even whiskey), but going overboard will do damage. This is what it typically feels like - & some reasons why:
Hangover Symptoms:
- Headache (blood vessel dilation, toxicity & dehydration…possibly also sleeping a bit twisted on the floor / couch / garden / driveway).
- Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, decreased appetite, cravings for greasy foods (gastric irritation & excess secretion of stomach acid)
- Weakness, lethargy, lack of co-ordination, trembling (drastically depleted blood sugar as alcohol makes you pee out all your glycogen stores. Your energy tank = totally drained to empty).
- Depression / anxiety / moodiness / inability to think & focus properly / poor memory (extreme blood sugar lows, lack of quality REM sleep, liver toxicity, remembering dumb stuff you said / did).
What Is A Hangover?
When alcohol gets to your liver, an enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) breaks it down into acetaldehyde, which is loads more toxic to your body than alcohol (like 20 to 30 times more toxic). Then it has to break that down with another enzyme & glutathione (awesome antioxidant we produce ourselves from amino acids - protein is critical for effective liver detox). That is why we feel so crappy after the alcohol - it’s the toxic metabolites that really poison us, more so than the alcohol itself (which also does some damage on it’s way through). Too much alcohol means your glutathione levels get used up, so the acetaldehyde (toxic metabolite of alcohol breakdown) builds up in your system, creating that ‘poisoned’ feeling. Women cop it worse, as we produce less of the enzyme that breaks down the acetaldehyde - so our glutathione is super important to top up during party season. The best way to reduce your hangover’s effects is to decrease the amount of toxic acetaldehyde floating around in your system. Then there’s the effects of the alcohol itself - it blocks our antidiuretic hormone, so we just pee out all the water that we’d normally reabsorb back into our blood stream when it passes through the kidneys (along with some vital electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, & glucose). Might not sound like a big drama - but if you unbalance electrolytes & deprive them of glucose - every single cell in your body will have severely compromised function. Meaning you as a human will be highly dysfunctional as a result. Sick day totally warranted. So let's look at how to treat a hangover naturally...How To Treat A Hangover Naturally
These tips are just from a friend who is a naturopath & also likes the odd night out (not me, I am the perfect health freak & would never consider drinking anything except a green tea, herbal tonic or smoothie). Well ok, some might be things I swear by…remember I attended naturopath college from age 18-22 when I was a bit of a party girl!…I learnt a few things about detoxing during the week, which I put into practice on weekends!- Hydration = critical. BEFORE you fall asleep after a big night, ensure you have at least 2-3 good sized glasses of water. If you forget before bed, it's gotta be priority upon waking (drink slowly in the morning). You can use plain water, water with bubbles, fresh juices…THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING TO DO, PREVENTION-WISE, IS DRINK A GLASS OF WATER FOR EVERY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE YOU DRINK, topping up & flushing out as you go.
- Eat something substantial ie a meal with fat fibre & protein (remember, protein = essential for liver detox) before you start partying & also just prior to bed. Keep your digestive system moving, keep your gut & liver busy & the alcohol well diluted with other things.
- Sleep. Plan to get some extra both before & after to compensate for the inevitable party losses.
- Don't use sugary or caffeinated mixers - these greatly contribute to the dehydration & stress on your body. Use sparkling mineral water, fresh juices Etc...steer well clear of the rum & coke & Vodka Red Bulls! Combat dehydration with electrolyte solution (or coconut water slushies with fresh fruit) in the morning - or better still, before you go to bed.
- Exercise in the morning (?? for real??) If you can possibly manage some movement, it will get your digestive system, lymphatic system & circulation, cranking - which means faster removal of all the toxic by-products of your night. Good idea also to prepare for a night out with a workout (nothing too challenging, just to ensure everything is flowing nicely before the toxicity hits.
- What to eat in the morning?….Fat of course! Grease is the traditional cure / craving for seedy folks, so I recommend go with your cravings here (within reason). Always, always opt for quality grease - ie free range, nitrate free / organic bacon, eggs, organic butter & mushrooms...maybe some bone broth…salt is fine (you'll have peed out heaps) & always ensure that you have some fibre & greens too to assist with detox & getting your digestive system back to normal. A fresh icy juice or smoothie with fruit & veg is also awesome (I would include celery & grapefruit & definitley a greens powder).
- Poo. You have to get that shit out of your system, literally! Do whatever you need to make it happen ASAP after a big night out, you’ll feel so much better from that moment onwards. Tip - make sure you’re eating your Blend11 often & you should have no issues here! If you have some fluid, eat some breakfast, & do a little exercise - even just a walk or some gentle yoga / stretches, this should help immensely. Can also try a magnesium powder if that works well for you.
How To Treat A Hangover Naturally: 13 Supplements for people who love to party!
A basic hangover first aid kit should include:
- Nux Vomica (classic homeopathic hangover / liver / overindulgence remedy). Perfect for those who suffer with nausea & headache. Get a 30c potency from the health store or local homeopath, take 1 dose before bed & one first thing in the morning, then another later if required. (Don't take more once improvement is noticed unless you start to fade again).
- NAC / glutathione (to break down the toxic by-products, ask in your local health store)
- Glutamine, aloe vera, slippery elm (your gut-lining will need these to repair)
- Zinc (always take with food or it can make you feel nauseous, not what you need)!
- Selenium (co-factor needed for glutathione antioxidant)
- B vitamins (energy pick up, do use a better quality supplement than berocca though!)
- Vitamin C (helps with detox & healing)
- Magnesium bath soak / spray (replace lost mg, you’re probably deficient anyway - most of us are)
- Electrolytes (you can get the ice blocks from the chemist, or coconut water)
- Probiotics - especially SB yeast (you'll have killed off a heap of your 'good guys' & made way for your candida to flourish with no doubt too much sugar). Alcohol = really common cause / contributing factor to gut dysbiosis, thrush, candida overgrowth.
- Fibre (soaks up all the crap & gets it moving swiftly towards the exit, provides food to nourish the surviving good bacteria & get them back to a decent population. They also produce short-chain-fatty acids from the fibre breakdown, which are very healing substances for the bowel lining & act as anti-inflammatories throughout your entire body). Blend11 = great here.
- Greens (liver & gut love is much needed, greens are great for both). Greens Plus Aloe is perfect, esp with the Aloe vera for healing & soothing your gut, & for blood sugar regulation.
- Liver herbs (St Mary's / Milk Thistle = best liver loving antioxidant. Helps prevent glutathione depletion in your liver. Turmeric is also excellent. If you like to party, invest in a quality liver supplement with both of these, & take it daily throughout the season). Cumin (the spice) is also apparently great for improving your glutathione levels, & whey protein, asparagus & barley grass would be great dietary inclusions too.