Raw Jaffa Mud Cake
BASE 1 large bag of Goodmix Bliss Ball Mix 3-4 drops of liquid stevia caramel 6 drops of Orange Oil 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup coconut oil ICING 1/2 cup almonds 1/2 cup almond oil or macadamia oil 2 drops orange oil 1/2 cup waterMethod
BASE Line a 20cm round spring form cake tin with baking paper. Place all of the ingredients ( minus water) in a blender or food processor Blend and gradually add water until a smooth paste like consistency Pour and press into the cake tin. Freeze until set ICING Place all the ingredient (minus water) in a blender of food processor Gradually add water until smooth texture. Pour over surface of frozen base. Freeze and decorate with some BLEND11 and a little cacao powder. Raw Jaffa Mud Cake Cut frozen, serve thawed Enjoy x Sissa's Sweet Clean Treats (check Sissa out for amazing creations)