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Article: Frog Pond Smoothie Bowl

Frog Pond Smoothie Bowl

Frog Pond Smoothie Bowl

A fun way to get the kids involved in their greens (well it's worth a try!) A nice way to hide some veggies & get them onto the Greens Plus Aloe


1/2 cup celery tops 1/2 cup baby spinach 1 Lebanese cucumber 3 cups of ice 1 cup water Kefir or kombucha (ginger works well) 2 teaspoons of Greens Plus Aloe 1 kiwi 1 mango 2 passionfruits 4 blueberries 4 toothpicks


1. Chop both ends off your cucumber, on an angle - to make your mumma froggie & baby froggie. 2. Break or cut your toothpicks in half - use them to attach the blueberries (in the right spot so they'll look like eyes). 3. Put the other halves of the toothpicks underneath the froggie (you won't see these but they'll ensure the eyes stay above smoothie / water level). 4. Blend all other ingredients (except passion fruit) until very smooth. 5. Pour Smoothie into bowl (be careful not to make it too deep for your froggies), & position the frogs. 6. Add the passion fruit (frogs eggs) if desired.

Serves Approx

4-6 bowls Thank you to Amanda for this recipe!

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