Pic Snix Easter Eggs
This is a 'cheat recipe' it's just our famous 'Pic-Snix' bar recipe, but shaped like eggs instead of bars! Totally works & great messy kitchen fun for bored kids! A cross between healthy Snickers & Picnic bars, in disguise as Easter Eggs. Feel free to change up the dipping chocolate or add in some other bits n pieces too!
200g peanut butter (I used ‘pics’ smooth) 150g maple syrup (can use a little more or less, adjust to suit your sweet tooth). 375g Bliss Ball mix 50g coconut oil 100g activated buckwheat / plain buckinis (ask at your healthfood store) 50g puffed millet Optional – melted chocolate or make your own raw choc (if desired, to coat or drizzle). You could also add in some roasted peanut chunks if you’d like more peanutty crunch.
- Mix the peanut butter & maple syrup together evenly
- Add in the coconut oil & BallBag mixture
- Add in the activated buckwheat & puffed millet
- Mix everything well using hands until evenly combined into a yummy, sticky ‘dough’
- Grab small egg sized handfuls of mix & compress into an egg shape, placing on a lined tray to set in the fridge.
- Place tray in the fridge or freezer for approx 10 mins (until cold & hard)
- While your eggs are setting, melt the chocolate in a double saucepan.
- Once eggs are cold & solid & chocolate is melted, dip eggs into choc to coat the top half of each one, leaving to dry / solidify in a cupcake tray or anything that will hold them sitting upright.
- Store in the fridge or freezer.