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Article: Super Oats Mix

Super Oats Mix

Super Oats Mix

A big thank you to Madelaine for this simple yet great recipe!!
She says ... "Best start to the day & keeps me full for hours!" we would agree.


1/4 cup Blend 11 1/4 traditional oats 2 good tablespoons of natural yoghurt 2 good tablespoons of mixed berries 1/2 banana or kiwi fruit


Soak the Blend 11 & oats in small amount water, just enough to cover it all, over night Next morning add yoghurt, berries, banana or kiwi Enjoy! Best start to the day & keeps me full for hours!

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goodMix truffles

goodMix truffles

Thank you Sharee - this recipe looks scrummy!! Adding the teeccino (herbal 'coffee' blend - no caffeine) makes for a rich and earthy snack or desert! - Ingredient...

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Enzyme Rich Fruit Mason Jar

Enzyme Rich Fruit Mason Jar

Blend 11 with papaya, pineapple & kiwi - 3 of the most enzyme rich fruits you can find at your local markets! Served with a dollop of natural coconut yoghurt. Eat at home or take to work :) ...

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