Raw Mint BlissBall Slice
Deliciously minty slice with a chocolate Bliss Ball base and a hint of Greens Plus Aloe powder. Vegan, gluten free, no processed sugars or unnatural ingredients, so it's healthy right?
1x 750g Bliss Ball Mix
90g Coconut Oil
400g Raw Cashews
75g Coconut nectar
10g Greens Plus Aloe
5mL Mint Essence or a drop of edible peppermint essential oil.
75g Coconut Oil
250mL Water
150g Coconut Nectar
75g Coconut Oil
50g Cacao Powder
Pre-soak cashews (1-1.5 hours)
Mix melted coconut oil with the Bliss Ball mix. Mix thoroughly. Press into a slice tray. Pop into freezer for quick setting.
Place pre-soaked cashews, melted coconut oil, coconut nectar, Greens Plus Aloe and mint essence /oil into a blender. Blend on high, adding water slowly. Continue until a smooth consistency. Layer onto Bliss Ball base. Pop back into freezer for quick setting.
Melt coconut oil, add coconut nectar and cacao. Whisk until well combined. Pour over mint filling layer. Pop back into freezer for quick setting. 15mins and you will be ready to slice and enjoy!
Serves approx
Makes 24 slices
Brought to you by Kimberley and Luke, who ran our Burleigh Heads Farmers Market stall back in the early days!